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Tide in the area Haining Yanguan Xibei Yu. A total of three, is divided into blocks of seats, body blocks, blocks of the top three parts, which were built in Tang Huichang two years, four years and Xiantong six years. In addition to the top of the bluestone buildings, the rest are all made of white marble.

Building Block is a stone Xu Mizuo, 0.25 meters, 1.1 meters in diameter, has a square platform under the seat, the Department completed puzzle later. Body is made of two pieces of white marble stone buildings build from,, plane for the octagonal cylinder, each wide ranging.

Body plane was octagonal buildings, canopies vinyl waist structure architectural forms. Jing Zhuang extant ancient stone structure in the vinyl structure approach appears first. Starting from the east on the block by theVertical block characters left to right, the book "too on the Tao Te Ching Tang Emperor Xuan Yuan Emperor Kaiyuan already been taken note" ten eight characters, representing three sides, the next two decades, carved Kaiyuan Emperor December 14 issue praised the "moral" The edict, on the Lao Tzu';s "Tao Te Ching," demanding "Shishu possession of a home, read to know that means an ordered learning." Jing Zhuang each side of block I in turn inscribed "moral", a total of eighty-one chapter, the body side with a stone buildings Yang Lin throne, on which only the top of the buildings.

Buildings have been broken roof, the original bluestone with a huge carved, 38 cm high, as the roof-shaped, octagonal-shaped, consistent with the physical stature buildings, carved out from the flat-topped octagonal eightRidges, carved between the corrugated ridges, and then under the engraved eaves boards, cornices and eaves beam, angle beam, under a "three liters of a bucket-style" supporting brackets.

The Jing Zhuang, slim, shape both the simple, elegant and beautiful, octagonal-shaped roof top of buildings for the study of Tang Dynasty architecture provides examples.


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